Sunday, May 17, 2009

Futurism returns

Futurism has returned with chrome-plated furnishings in the concepts of a Singularity and Transhumanism. Technophiles the world over have followed the progress of the movements as they have increased in popularity. As a technophile I hope to live to be 1500, double my IQ and be availed of all sorts of technological wonders from programmable matter to personal aerial transportation. Unfortunately, a great number of Transhumanists that I have had the pleasure of reading seem to be more concerned with transcending morality rather than physicality. This is unfortunate because I believe their morality could short circuit the technological progress that needs to be made for these technologies to become reality.
Transhumanism is the idea that we can overcome our human weakness to become a new type of being, in a new republic, in a new shining city on a new hill. However, given the morality presented by Michael Anissimov and George Dvorsky(pick a post) among others that are hostile to the idea of liberty. This in turn threatens technological progress. Even prominent scientists/bloggers Brian Wang and Ray Kurzweil, generally friendly to markets, don't seem to grasp the threat that progressive philosophy presents to future technological improvement or the inherent anti-science/ anti-reason bias present in the philosophies. One finds a long and narrow path in so many Transhumanist writings.

I believe the threat to liberty from the implicit philosophy of so many in the transhumanist community is obvious to libertarians. What I think is less transparent is how this can affect future material wealth and happiness. Looking at the progressive/socialist movements a century ago, the same wish for a magical future was a center piece of the bargain. (see H.G Wells or Buckminster Fuller). Belief in Science was, of course, a key tenet in the centralized Soviet system. However, as the stories of Lysenko and Kondratieff make clear the Soviets were more interested in politics than in Science. A similarity can be seen today in the Global Climate "debate" where the alleged science worshippers have little regard for the facts and do not acknowledge the opposition. Surely, the one best way theory of incipient totalitarianism is just as much a threat to technological and human progress as is an asteroid strike.

The extreme Utopian vision has two key misunderstandings of human morality, indeed morality of sentient beings. The first principal as Abraham Lincoln disparagingly phrased it "...You work, and I eat; You toil, and I will enjoy the fruits of it... ". The practical results of this principal can be seen in what Arnold Kling calls The Great Race. Typically freer societies have produced more material wealth . Now transhumanists true to their progressive roots will claim we have become more moral over time. I would have hoped that past experience would have put this notion to rest, but apparently not. So we are back to the great race, can technological improvements out pace the taxing sensibilities of the progressives? Or perhaps more to the point once we invent replicators we can distribute all the wealth equally and there will be no need for markets. I doubt this would happen, because at some level some being with motives is going to have to make decisions and just like every business person and politician who as every existed they are not going to work without motivation.

The second threat is that we will make great pets. Except, we won't. Let us assume that in the future Singularity, beings without motives are created and they decide to provide for us. Being provided for is a recipe for boredom and spiritual decay, that so many with a belief technotopian future, insist will not happen. My hope is that everyone will be empowered by these new technologies and that this empowerment is not seen as a threat by the technology elite. Every measure has a counter measure. Unfortunately, I sense many believe the only way for us to have a future is for civilization to become Borg like. I wish everyone luck in fulfilling their greatest desires and wishes, Utopian or selfish, but as in any endeavor it will take people working in their own interest, working together. Not one vision fits all.

Monday, January 19, 2009

President Messiah, Send Me Money, Send Me Green, Heaven I Will Meet

History will be made in just a few hours with the first swearing in of a Baby Marxist into the oval office. Fortunately#44, like all presidents I can think of, is a bright guy and will not attempt a Julian the Apostate type of administration. However, in the spirit of reducing expectations, I was disappointed in President-elect Barry today, claiming his plan would increase the solar generating capacity by the same percentage that reflects current predictions for growth. I was hoping for more honesty than that, but I can change.

I do not believe the economic plans Obama is currently proposing, and Bush has followed the past four months or more, will work. These types of Keynesian policies will fail as they have in the past and in other countries. Hopefully, if these failures come to pass, we will elect someone else and recover.

The real danger of his Ascent to the apex of Glory and Power is that he will follow in the footsteps of Lincoln and FDR. That is, he will take a currently very dangerous situation (Islam and/or the economy), misstep into a truly disastrous one, muddle through, consolidating power along the way, and walk away into the Pantheon.

The big religious experience going on in Washington right now does not make one confident in peoples' ability to take a step back and look at Obama's performance. It seems that more than a bubbling economy and the ability to meet life on their own terms, these fans want a President Messiah, and a President Messiah we may have. As an ancient priest moves the sun across the sky our President will move the economy and our nation.

Godspeed Barry, Godspeed. Just please don't get too carried away.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Incitatus Voted to Senate

At least in Rome it was an appointment.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Poliferation of Holidays and the triumph of Chrismas

It is curious the number of holidays that keep proliferating around Christmas Day, December 25. A quick run down would give us: December 21st, the Solicits("Pagans"); December 23rd, Festivist(Nihilist and those full of frivolity) and Human Light(Secularist); and Kwanzaa. Of course it is understandable why those of us who are not Christians would seek to put a different spin on the holiday, but it may make more sense to just enjoy the holiday for the pagan festival it is currently. Christmas is the Christian take over of Saturnalia and the Nordic winter fiestival (yule) to help along converisions. These earlier Fesitvals recognizes the Solicist and the return of the Sun, A metaphor we can all enjoy. But the number of traditions that carried over is truely amazing, not the least of is good cher, Leaving the need to "reclaim" the day rather superfolious. Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth, Good Will to Humanity. Oh, and don't forget the evergreens and Beer.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Caligula's horse

Does the possibility that Al Franken will be elected to the Senate remind any one else of Caligula's horse?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why I like Palin

You Betcha, I like Palin. I would think that most libertarians would have some problems with Sarah Palin as a President, if God willing that were to happen. I, however would look forward to that as a possibility. Let me acknowledge that numerous positions she takes I disagree with, but she is willing to put a little bit on the line. That should be favorable to people that would like to see less government control. I was impressed with her nuanced stance on global warming in the VP debate, that made Biden look like an rigid ideologue. To even acknowledge that factors beyond humanity are at work is impressive in today's hysterical climate change debate.

There is a more important issue that is of interest. The lack of moral fiber and development to adult hood is something that has been much written about and commented on recently( See Al Fin Blog, Diana West, John Strausbaugh, Karjean Levine). It seems large numbers of people are convinced of this from all over the political spectrum. I believe this to be serious problem in the Western world including the United States. This is something that can not be addressed by the government, try has they might. In fact, if we are as dysfunction as these authors believe, it is not likely any type of politician but an enabler would be elected. That is the virtue that I see in Palin, someone of a different character. If she were successful, it would signal that fundamental behaviours of a free society, may still be with us.

The type of values that enable a self-sufficient happy adult is not going to come from Washington, but it is nice to see that, maybe someone out there is not going put up with the opposite. Palin did give a glimpse of request for responsibility in the VP debate, While Biden clearly played the roll of and enable. Hopefully as her political carrier plays out this will be one of her enduring traits.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Senate passes bailout

Welcome to Religo-Politico Anthropoids This will be the heat Blog as opposed to my Evolving Anthropoids Blog which I hope to be the light inspiring blog.

I feel like we've be sold down the river by the establishment by this bail out plan. From the media to the Republican elected officials very few people are voicing credible opposition to this Randian villain plan. This plan is likely to prolong the pain and prevent faster growth in the future. The possibility that this is the beginning of a historical events also haunts my imagination as a Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act seems possible if this act fails to do what its name implies. Of course, like most government plans accomplishing the opposite of the nomenclature seems likely.

The most interesting propaganda has been from CNBC owned by GE. Interestingly, for years they always disclaimed that they were owned by GE, which has not been happening recently. GE of course in neck deep in the credit crunch and would benefit greatly from the helping hand of and the state. Fortunately we have bloggers in this country and very little censorship. However, the lack of debate on the common media is very dissatisfying and a little scary. To paraphrase P.J. O'Rourke, We could give this form of government, Business and the State working together a new name, But it already has a name and has already been tried.

I do not believe that this "Economic Recovery Plan" is in the vested interest of the Joe 6-Pabst, although regardless of what congress does things will be though. Rather I believe it is an attempt, likely a successful attempt, by the current rich and powerful to keep their positions as such. This may not be, if fact probably is not, the explicit thinking of these individuals. However, the rapidity of their abandonment of the relatively free-market espoused beliefs, indicates a lake of principled foresight, and a wanton release from responsibility. Yes, Mr. Welsh and Mr. Buffet your the one's who are running from responsibility, along with the past Presidents and Congresses who have created the housing bubble.

May the
precariousness the universe presents see us through.