Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why I like Palin

You Betcha, I like Palin. I would think that most libertarians would have some problems with Sarah Palin as a President, if God willing that were to happen. I, however would look forward to that as a possibility. Let me acknowledge that numerous positions she takes I disagree with, but she is willing to put a little bit on the line. That should be favorable to people that would like to see less government control. I was impressed with her nuanced stance on global warming in the VP debate, that made Biden look like an rigid ideologue. To even acknowledge that factors beyond humanity are at work is impressive in today's hysterical climate change debate.

There is a more important issue that is of interest. The lack of moral fiber and development to adult hood is something that has been much written about and commented on recently( See Al Fin Blog, Diana West, John Strausbaugh, Karjean Levine). It seems large numbers of people are convinced of this from all over the political spectrum. I believe this to be serious problem in the Western world including the United States. This is something that can not be addressed by the government, try has they might. In fact, if we are as dysfunction as these authors believe, it is not likely any type of politician but an enabler would be elected. That is the virtue that I see in Palin, someone of a different character. If she were successful, it would signal that fundamental behaviours of a free society, may still be with us.

The type of values that enable a self-sufficient happy adult is not going to come from Washington, but it is nice to see that, maybe someone out there is not going put up with the opposite. Palin did give a glimpse of request for responsibility in the VP debate, While Biden clearly played the roll of and enable. Hopefully as her political carrier plays out this will be one of her enduring traits.

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