Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Poliferation of Holidays and the triumph of Chrismas

It is curious the number of holidays that keep proliferating around Christmas Day, December 25. A quick run down would give us: December 21st, the Solicits("Pagans"); December 23rd, Festivist(Nihilist and those full of frivolity) and Human Light(Secularist); and Kwanzaa. Of course it is understandable why those of us who are not Christians would seek to put a different spin on the holiday, but it may make more sense to just enjoy the holiday for the pagan festival it is currently. Christmas is the Christian take over of Saturnalia and the Nordic winter fiestival (yule) to help along converisions. These earlier Fesitvals recognizes the Solicist and the return of the Sun, A metaphor we can all enjoy. But the number of traditions that carried over is truely amazing, not the least of is good cher, Leaving the need to "reclaim" the day rather superfolious. Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth, Good Will to Humanity. Oh, and don't forget the evergreens and Beer.

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